
Sunday 19 November 2017

The Survival of Maiden Castle

Here is a great photo of Maiden Castle, a fragile tor exposing Pre-Cambrian (?) rhyolite adjacent to Trefgarn Gorge.  Thanks to Pete Storey and the Pembs Geology Group Facebook page.

As we have explained before, the prevailing view is that this tor is too delicate to have survived Devensian glaciation around 20,000 years ago, and so the maximum position of the ice edge has to be placed further north.  Trefgarn Gorge itself must have been a major meltwater route, carrying vast quantities of meltwater from north Pembrokeshire southwards towards Milford Haven.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brian,since things are a bit quiet at the moment and the short days and the dark nights are upon us.I wonder if yourself and many followers would like to review a theory on another "mystery"of the bronze age.We have several of these enigmatic sites here in the Dales and when i contacted our local archaeologist through email with my theory to what these sites were i was given the following advice.I was told to find an ethnographic analogy preferably an indigenous peoples still utilising a similar site.When i had done this i should put my theory down in writing to be reviewed by my peers.Well,i found the analogy and the people,but having left school at 15 i realise i do not possess the skills to proceed any further.I believe if proven,it gives an insight to the people of the bronze age and why they were at certain sites at certain times of year.So with your permission in my next post i will divulge my theory and leave it to the good people on this blog to review it,all excavation reports are to be found on the web.The sites in question are known as burnt mounds.


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