
Friday 3 November 2017

From the world-famous Rhosyfelin School of Archaeology.....

No comment needed........


  1. We get honeyed words from The Oracle! Prof MPP!! Quite right - it's a one - way process! They're the Experts, we're the Plebs!! Geomorphology?#? What's that? Naah, don't bother with THAT....... it's BORING and it interferes with our unusual sense of logic.

    Roll up, roll up! Come to the Merlin Theatre on 18th November - it's bound to be absolutely magical, with scarcely a confirmable FACT in sight. But who cares?

  2. Yes, we could have fun with this. We have the ideal location -- the much-discussd Visitor Centre at Tafarn y Bwlch, which us just up the road from Rhosyfelin and which is still not built. Major investment is required, and we have the ideal benefactor waiting in the wings. None other than the National Geographic, who just love a good story, lots of glossy pictures, and a heroic figure leading the diggers into hostile terrain, in pursuit of the truth......

  3. Yes, we could have fun with this. We have the ideal location -- the much-discussd Visitor Centre at Tafarn y Bwlch, which us just up the road from Rhosyfelin and which is still not built. Major investment is required, and we have the ideal benefactor waiting in the wings. None other than the National Geographic, who just love a good story, lots of glossy pictures, and a heroic figure leading the diggers into hostile terrain, in pursuit of the truth......

  4. It's funny that you mention the proposed visitor centre at Tafarn y Bwlch. I stooped there this afternoon after a stomp around Ty Canol woods. Whilst I admired, yet again, their amazing dry stone wall, wondered why no progress had proceeded at all with building the centre.

  5. Yes, I'm a bit mystified too. Llew Rees, the owner, is not a man who hangs around when there is a project to be worked on. Maybe he has run our of money? Or maybe he is just too unsure of the state of the economy, what withy Brexit looming large. If I was to be in his shoes, maybe I would be similarly cautious. He has his fingers in many pies.

  6. Does owner Llew Rees have any inclination to listen to a local geomorphologist on the broad subject Of Rhosyfelin? Also, as regards its RIGS status?

  7. Yes, I have had a chat with him, and hope to be involved when the "information centre" is being put together. Much water to go under the bridge before that, though..........

  8. Did anyone see the drop stone landing on the sea bed from a melting iceberg in front of the submersible on Blue Planet 2 last night?

    Is this a first for the study of erratics?


  9. Recorded the prog -- look forward to watching it tonight........ there are dropstones galore in the geological record, but doubt that anybody has seen one landing before!

  10. We could do with out mutual ex - Durham Geographer friend, Dave (not Dave Maynard), letting us know what the Historic England published new book "Stonehenge....the Continuing Story" has to say about Rhosyfelin. It will no doubt be the Big Brother version of the Truth as it is written by MPP Guardian and Minder and fellow ex- Engish Heritage employee, Julian Richards, but nevertheless an interesting prospect to see how he's avoided mentioning Science & Glacial Geomorphology in his write - up on Rhosyfelin. Did anyone hear, on November 5th, the very interesting Radio 4 programme on George Orwell Back at the BBC? His statue is being unveiled soon outside New Broadcasting House.


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