
Tuesday 15 August 2017

Just see how the jolly bandwaggon rolls..........

 Image:  Colby College

I thought that with the departure of Phil Bennett, some common sense might break out in Pembs Coast National Park HQ, and that there might be rather more respect for the facts. Fat chance.  The opportunity of turning a dishonest quid or few has proved too tempting to miss, so here we go again.  The usual nonsense in the blurb, in spite of endless requests from me to moderate the purple prose. A guided bus tour on 20th Sept, at the end of the digging season, led by MPP himself, complete with barbecued burgers just as they used to be in the good ol' days at the Durrington raves. 

Then the usual evening talk at 7.30, for the ears of the faithful.   Title: The Welsh Origins of Stonehenge.  Depressing, isn't it?

If you want to join the whole rave, it will set you back almost £40. I think I might give it a miss.......


  1. Are you going to do a rival, understated, sensible talk, the day before his, in stark contrast, like last year?

  2. Nah -- haven't been invited! My narrative doesn't chime with the National Park one -- when I speak they don't hear the cash register jingling...... they have been building up MPP for years into a great hero of the National Park. Star appearances at the annual archaeology day, for example. He probably even gets a free slice of cake with his coffee.

    I'm not going to get too upset. I have other projects to keep me amused, such as trying to get my novels turned into a TV series. That takes up masses of time. And fair enough, the NPA have been very supportive on that score. The present generation of young NPA officials probably don't even know that in the early days I gave more than 200 walks and talks for their educational programme, and wrote the standard guide to their most important asset, the Pembrokeshire Coast Path........

    Time for lunch,and then back into the garden.....

  3. "I have other projects to keep me amused, such as trying to get my novels turned into a TV series."

    Good to know you have that much in common with equally - imaginative Mike! You two would probably have a major Trans - Atlantic TV or film franchise on your hands, if you got together and called yourselves an institute!

  4. Tony, thank you for the nice idea, but if you don't mind I will keen my financial affairs well clear of those of MPP. For a start, I don't like the look of that Faustian Pact he has with the National Geographic, and would rather keep well clear of Hell!

  5. OOps -- that should be "keep".........

  6. I'd have thought for £40 that Myris at least would have been on board "The magical mystery tour" Bus?

    He after all is the main underpinning for the Quarrying hypothesis!

    Surely he should share in the glory?



  7. Brian: You're probably doing better without the coffee! Some recent research has suggested a significant proportion of staff human facies is present in the coffee ofsome major high street brands!

    Think I'll go back to using a flask!


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