
Tuesday 20 June 2017

West Greenland tsunami

From the BBC web site -- one of the houses swept away by the wave

Some images are appearing from West Greenland following the tsunami that struck the coast yesterday.  It looks as if one small village bore the brunt of the wave -- around 30 homes were destroyed, and four people are missing.  Damage in other communities was on a smaller scale.

Tsunamis are extremely rare in Greenland, although plenty of dangerous waves are produced in front of calving glaciers and when large bergs roll over.  This one is thought to have been triggered by an underwater earthquake -- and the water displacement (a prerequisite of all tsunamis) may have happened as a result of an underwater landslide or from a large landslide on a steep fjord side.  In the latter case, there will be an obvious landslide scar.  More info will no doubt be forthcoming -- but this is a very remote area. 


  1. Doesn't this picture remind you of someone's theory of how blocks of stone floated away on ice to Salibury Plain? Before we lost the pleasure of his company?


  2. This Post reminds me of the 21st April 2017 Post called The 1607 tsunami in the Bristol Channel.
    I recall from what I saw of the TV programme that this tsunami was also triggered by an underwater earthquake, somewhere off South Western Ireland.

  3. Kostas, like Arthur, may be back one of these days......

  4. If you are missing him, you will find him on Britarch riding his various hobby horses.

  5. Not missing him at all, Chris. I like a peaceful life, free of controversy......


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