
Tuesday 2 May 2017

St Davids Head hut circles

Here is a fabulous Bing image of the cluster of six hut circles near the tip of St David's Head.  They are on a grassy bank looking down at the sea, with some measure of protection afforded ny the rocky ice-scoured outcrops to the north and west.  On the image we can also see the bank and ditch fortification that protected the settlement -- this is towards the right0hand edge of the image, with a clearly defined pathway cutting through it.  The assumption is that this is Iron Age, but the huts might be earlier.  Strangely, only three of these circles are mentioned in the archaeological literature....

A very beautiful settlement site!

Image courtesy Chris Andrews

1 comment:

  1. Really fabulous picture. I have explored this area several times and never been very convinced about the stories, but this image is brilliant.


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