
Sunday 28 May 2017

Preseli -- the naked truth

A very revealing story from the Pembrokeshire Herald, for all those who are interested in Stonehenge and the bluestones.  In case you wondered, the tor in the photo is Carn Bica, and the pic was taken from Bedd Arthur, one of the places where King Arthur is buried.  Has Arthur risen from the grave, to save us from Brexit, just as he promised to do?  Watch this space -- I shall report any further sightings of this mysterious figure..............

Preseli Hills: Shocked walker photographed naked ‘feral looking’ man


May 28, 2017

A WALKER says that he encountered a feral looking naked man on his walk on the Preseli Hills yesterday (May 27)

The astonished visitor says that he managed to keep cool, calm and collected and even managed to take photographs of the mystery individual on the well known trail near Eglwyswrw.

Nick Pentecost told The Herald: “It was the weirdest afternoon walk yesterday ever!  I went for a wander, as I regularly do, into the Preselis.

“I was walking to the top of Carn Goedog with no one around as usual except in the distance I suddenly thought I saw this figure and as I looked closely it turns out I was right. To my amazement and shock I realised I was looking at a feral looking man, hunched over looking at the ground.

“I paused and managed to get my phone out and take a few snaps.

“I watched him walking around kind of calmly and sort of aimlessly for about 20 seconds then I think he noticed me and I very quickly turned and sped back down the mountain to my car.

“I looked back to see if he had followed me but didn’t see the figure again.  Very, very strange!"


  1. Was the "feral man" on drugs perhaps? He may have been performing some kind of ritual along the lines of 'wild swimming', but for non - swimmers in this case. Then again, he may have just been trying to exposethe naked truth or some such.

    Professor Alice Roberts, she famous for her shoulders and for her encounter with Professors Tim Darvill and the late Geoffrey Wainwright on Carn Meini, has taken part in wild swimming and made a film on it for the BBC.

    And is there really a man called Nick Pentecost regularly walking around Carn Goedog?

  2. The hills were covered in thick mist and rain till about 3pm on Saturday. I went up with a group from Talfynydd across to Foel Feddau, Foel Cwmcerwyn and then down past Carn Afr. You were lucky to have 10 foot of visibility at all times.

    I definately didnt see any nakedness but there could have been an army of naked people hiding in the mist for all i knew.

  3. There are reports of the feral man being spotted on one of the Pembrokeshire beaches as well........ I will try to keep you informed with intelligence as it comes in. Personally, I still think this is King Arthur risen from the grave....... just waiting now for the dragons to appear.

  4. Arthur was alive and well and living in Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth, in 1971 - 72. He was my landlord. I enjoyed Christmas with him and his wife. She would regularly scream "Arthur!" so as to summon him. But, as far as I could determine, he wasn't henpecked.

  5. I am going with the King Arthur theory and when he sweeps into Wiltshire with gnighits on his way to London to oust the Bloody Brexiteers I will be take up my coconut shells and ride along.

    Or... perhaps it is an archaeologist that has finally gone a bit mad over theories of Stonehenge, bluestones, Preseli all that nonsense, who could the feral archaeologist be? Answers on a postcard . Neil and Simon K don't spoil this one!

    Tony that is your best ever comment.... performing some kind of ritual "wild swimming" but for the non swimmer. Brilliant!

    All that talk of you know who and wild swimming, I am off for a nuddy swim in the Avon to cool down.

  6. Myris of Alexandria29 May 2017 at 12:53

    Its Back to Basics field work. Nothing to get excited about as far as I can see.
    He may be one of Wood's beloved “Indian Hylobii” (sky-clad ascetics)under instruction from the Druids?.

    Skinny dipping/dreadful front crawl, very early Christmass morning was a favourite tradition of mine for a decade or so before egg nog- but never in Britain.

  7. This "Wild Swimming" Lark:

    Is it what used to be know as "Swimming in a river" or "Swimming in the Sea"?

    If so I presume you have to be "Special" like Ms Roberts for it to be "Wild Swimming?


  8. As to what the identity of the man in the photo, perhaps, continuing the Professor theme, is it just possible Professor Brian Cox, the Professional Lancastrian and composer of Blair Labour election - winning songs? [He also featured, again just in PHOTOGRAPHS, in the Count Arthur Strong comedy show a few days ago, anyone remember?]. The chap in the photo appears to have similar proportions of body - build. Never mind about theories this naked bod could be Arthur never know, he may be part of of a Corbyn last - minute winning strategy! Nice Nanny Theresa could yet get more than a touch rattled. I see the Plaid Cymru leader was on The Now Show tonight as a precursor to Jeremy's appearance on the same programme Tuesday night.

  9. Maybe a passing Dragon deposited him there, a sort of Catweazle Time Bandit character from some other land beyond the clouds?

  10. As regards Nick PENTECOST (who the newspaper says took the photograph) and his surname's authenticity or otherwise, I have just come across someone living in Cornwall called Pentecost. so I guess he's not a spoof contributor.

  11. If they held nudist weddings on the Preseli Hills, would it be easy to spot the best-man?

  12. The best man would be the one with a ring in his nose.....

  13. Sorry for erratic collections of messages lately. Currently in the middle of the Kattegat, with Sweden heaving into view..... been on the road for a few days, away from wifi signals.....

  14. Never mind about erratic collections of signals, Brian, we'll accept anything erratic, as long as it AIN'T strong and stable. We already get far too much propaganda from the Human Transport Brigade on 'ere, see? Let alone all this strong and stable May bunkum every time we switch on our Internets.....Too Much, Theresa.

  15. I noticed that there are 274 views of this post so far -- well above the average. Funny what the word "naked" can do in a title. As Lord Beaverbrook (or was it Rupert Murdoch?) said long ago, sex sells.....


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