
Monday 24 April 2017

Stonehenge video rolls on......

Much to my surprise, there have now been more than 91,000 views of my video on YouTube.  It's been around for a few years now, and of course attracts comments galore from the lunatic fringe,  but every now and then somebody says something sensible.  Anyway, here it is in case any of our modern blog followers are not aware of it.  Nothing has come along, in the period since it was made, to change any of my views......


  1. I haven't watched this for a while. It's hard not to read the comments even though you know they are going to troll just for for the sake of doing so. I admire your tenacity and patience in responding to some of them.

  2. Yes, I read them occasionally -- or some of them. Considerable entertainment value! But there are some pretty horrible people out there -- I try to delete the comments from the most deranged and abusive of them!


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