
Wednesday 29 March 2017

Carn Meini and the Stone River

I'm more and more impressed with the quality of the satellite imagery on Bing.  Take a look here:

This is a wonderful image of the Carn Meini (Carn Menyn) area showing the tors and the nearby "Stone River" (to the left) which some people insist on interpreting as an ancient trackway, without ever going to check out what it looks like............

I interpret it as a stone stream -- partly a periglacial feature, also used as a stream bed -- with much of the finer material washed out, leaving a "boulder bed" behind.

The quality of these Bing images is amazing -- and the small details in the landscape are enhanced by the low sun, giving rise to long shadows.


  1. Myris of Alexandria30 March 2017 at 11:29

    Yes it does look very natural, following the contours of the gully.
    The outcrop has a well defined planar fabric lying across it. Shall ask if of significance (for geology.

  2. Not sure about that. I can see two possible "structural trends" -- neither of them very convincing. Are these dolerites in sills, and might we be looking at the strike of the outcropping layers? I'm pretty sure there is a long sill outcropping between Carn Goedog and Carn Alw........


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