
Friday 13 January 2017

Rocks and landscape: Pembrokeshire

Simplified geological map of Pembrokeshire, showing the clear split into two geological "provinces" -- Lower Palaeozoic in the north, and Upper Palaeozoic in the south

Structural trends -- generalised.  The trend lines do not coincide precisely with either fractures or anticlinal and synclinal axes

Topography of Pembrokeshire -- based upon satellite imagery and showing clearly the structural trends in south Pembrokeshire

I've been doing some work for the new Historical Atlas of Pembrokeshire, and came upon these three images which show rather nicely what a close relationship there is between landscape, coastal configuration, geology and structure.


  1. I wonder if orogeny be not a better description rather than mountains. I am not certain how mountainous what is now south Wales was in Carb-PT times.

    It is worth checking, the description might well be OK since the Cornubian batholith does suggest some height.

    Despite its name are all parts of an orogeny mountainous?

  2. Fascinating. The images from this blog prompted me to pull out of the bookcase 'The Geology of Pembrokeshire' by a certain Dr Brian S John, published by the now defunct Abercastle Publications (?) in 1979. Mine is the 1993 reprinted version.

    I am a lot more knowledgeable now on local Pembrokeshire topography than i was when this little yellow book was first aquired so it has been a revelation and useful refresher rereading it.

  3. That little booklet is still in print! I get about £70 a year in royalties -- not to be sniffed at in these hard times......

    As for the mountains, thank you Myris. Point taken. I have always assumed that highly convoluted structures and big faults visible in the north Pembrokeshire cliffs means spectacular surface expressions -- ie mountains. Must check that out a bit more carefully......


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