
Monday 12 September 2016

New online paper: Carn Goedog is NOT a Neolithic quarry

Here is another online working paper which addresses the claims made by Mike Parker Pearson and others in popular journals (ie without peer review) relating to the tumbledown tor of Carn Goedog, on the northern flank of Mynydd Preseli.  I wanted to submit the article to Current Archaeology magazine, with a view to possible publication as a letter or as a short article, but the editorial team has ignored my attempts at communication, so here is my short piece as an online publication.  I hope it will be of interest.

Please cite as follows:

Brian John (2016).  Those "bluestone quarries" -- the manufacturing of a modern myth (Greencroft Working Paper No 3).  ResearchGate online publication.
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23379.17446

It is unclear whether the Parker Pearson research team ever will publish a learned paper on Carn Goedog, but if they do, I hope they will have the good grace to address the issues raised in this short working paper.

If there are any points which anybody wishes to raise, by all means get in touch or raise them via this blog.

Note:  We know that Carn Goedog has been used as a source for stones within the last few centuries.  There are historical records of chapel-goers and farmers taking pillars and blocks from here for use as building stone and gate posts.  This paper strictly relates to the proposed use of Carn Goedog as a quarry in prehistoric times.

1 comment:

  1. The Silence from the would - be quarry brethren is quite deafening.


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