
Thursday 22 September 2016

Kaldalon Glacier, NW Iceland

Kaldalon Glacier.  Images by FlashXXX (top), Matthias Klaiber (middle) 
and Yutta Wyrt (bottom)

Kaldalon Glacier is an outlet glacier from the Drangajokull ice cap in NW Iceland (Vestfirdir).  I'm posting these three gorgeous photos, for no other reason that they make me come over all nostalgic.  This glacier was the first one I ever studied, back in 1960 on my first student expedition.  My old friend David Sugden and I even got a "learned" paper out of it, published in Geografiska Annaler.  It wasn't that learned, but the editor published it, I suspect, just to encourage us because we were only 20 years old at the time!  Happy memories -- it is a truly magical valley.  The name means "cold lagoon"........

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