
Monday 1 August 2016

Talks at Castell Henllys

I have now agreed with the National Park staff the title for my talk at the Castell Henllys Visitor Centre on Wed 21st September:  "The Myth of the Preseli Bluestone Quarries."  Start at 7.30 pm -- ticket prices uncertain, so contact the site office on 01239-891319.  I'll describe the work done by Dyfed, John and myself, and talk -- in a completely dispassionate and objective manner, of course -- about the disagreements between the archaeologists and the earth scientists about the nature of the evidence and how it should be interpreted.  Hoping for a lively discussion.

On the following evening Prof Mike Parker Pearson has offered to do a talk on "Pembrokeshire and Stonehenge" -- and he will no doubt report on the results of the 2016 dig scheduled for September at the secret location between Rhosyfelin and Carn Goedog, where there is a mysterious mound in a field.  Rumour has it that the latter event (Sept 22nd) will be accompanied by a "Durrington Walls" style pig roast accompanied by jollifications. 

My talk will be altogether more sober -- not sure whether there will be a cup of tea available in the cafe.........


  1. Unfortunately, I am away in North Devon with my wife on a nostalgic holiday around those two dates, but wish Brian all the best for an illuminating and informative talk, with a good - sized audience.

  2. Brian, you told us on your June 27th Post that the number of Visits to the Blog Site had just crept over 900,000.

    As I write this, the figure has reached 969,575.

    By thr time you do your Castell Henllys talk in September, you should have surpassed the Million target you'd mentioned!

  3. Can't wait. Have you given permission for your lecture to be recorded???


  4. Recorded on film? They recorded my talk at the Do Lectures some years ago....... I'm not bothered. Maybe if you want to record, you need to clear it with the management?


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