
Saturday 27 August 2016

One million hits -- and counting........

Purely by chance, when I switched on at 0810 this morning!  What interests me about the fact of a million page views is that rather a lot of people -- in addition to the regulars -- are actually interested in the topics covered on the blog.  It pops up all the time when people search for things on Google.  I don't do all this search engine optimisation stuff, but the site comes high up on the page rankings simply because it is popular -- and in the algorithm popularity enhances popularity.

This means that on some issues (such as the bluestone quarrying debate) opinion can only be influenced to a limited extent by the high profile press releases put out by UCL, Cardiff and Leicester Universities and by the obsession with storytelling and "impact ratings".  Put on one side the people who read gullible newspapers and who believe whatever the BBC chooses to tell them, and we have rather a lot of people who are capable of thinking for themselves, and who seem to enjoy a forum in which EVIDENCE is honestly debated and in which scientific methods are accorded some respect.

Raise a glass!


  1. Congratulations!!

    You have indeed made a superb and authoritative blog. I enjoy following most days.

  2. Cheers, Brian!!!

    Echo Chris's remark.

  3. May you always be courageous
    Stand upright and be strong
    And may you stay
    Forever young


  4. Well done Brian. Quality blog.


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