
Wednesday 24 August 2016

An interesting "fact" from Stonehenge

Looks as if BBC Countryfile will have a report on the latest Durrington dig next Sunday, 28th August.

Still on the BBC web site.  Countryfile from Stonehenge from Sept 2015: This is one of the "seven facts" presented in connection with the advance publicity -- "5. The largest stone, which weighs over 40 tonnes, is thought to have travelled as far as 140 miles from the Preseli Hills in Pembrokeshire, which may have taken place following the melting of a glacier. In 2000, a group of volunteers attempted to test the feat in the modern day, but the bulk fell into the Bristol Channel on the ancient replica boats used to transport it." This is one of the worst pieces of garbled nonsense it has ever been my misfortune to encounter. Almost everything about it is wrong..... who on earth wrote this crap?


  1. I suppose we'd all better set our TV's to record this latest Stonehenge Extravaganza on Sunday evening (repeated later). How jaw - dropping will this one be??!

  2. they asked me for Free drone footage (as they are So skint) but I said No.

  3. I see Anita Rani (recently a Strictly Come Dancing contestant) is doing a feature on Neolithic times, presumably involving the huts at Stonehenge Visitor Centre. Perhaps she will show her skills and athleticism, running away from a recently splendidly reconstituted Auroch, now the Open University has acquired his DNA from nearby Blick Mead?

  4. I think Brian knows John Craven, Mine Host of Countryfile......perhaps we should put John straight on one or two genuine facts about bluestones and glaciation? And also, one or two genuine doubts/ non - facts about human transportation and bluestones, including so -called "quarries"? John is a man who used to present Newsround to the Country's children, so he ought to be on the side of facts not fantasy when it comes to News items.


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