
Monday 18 January 2016

A giant among gateposts

I think I know why so many people from Russia are interested in gateposts -- probably it is because Google is leading them to the site, to posts dealing with the "Russia Stones" which I have discusseed on several occasions........  use the search box to find those posts that are relevant.

The Russia Stones are indeed magnificent -- named after a cottage in the vicinity, which is now in ruins.  The biggest stone is over 4m long, and it weighs more than 8 tonnes.  Here is a pic which I took a few years ago.


  1. Author Arthur Ransome is more commonly associated with the Lake District (Swallows & Amazons etc) and he worked in Russia for a while, but I doubt he ever lived in a cottage in Preseli?

  2. Not as far as I know! The famous naturalist Ronald Lockley did live on Preseli for a while. He rented the farm called Hafod Tydfil, not far from Carn Goedog, on the northern flank of the mountain. Now it is completely ruinous.


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