
Friday 8 January 2016

800,000 page views.........

While I was watching the rugby on the telly this evening we went through the 800,000 barrier.  It's good to see that so many people visit the blog on a regular basis.  Glad to have your company, folks!

Page views are coming from all over the world, but I notice from the stats that most page views in the last week were from Russia (almost 1200), followed by USA (about 1100) and then UK (about 950).  Why are so many people in Russia interested in the blog?  Very mysterious.......


  1. My page views from Azerbaijan may get counted as Russian, as I think the the system is logged through Russia.

    Except... I came home just before Christmas, so my recent views will all be counted as UK ones.


  2. Myris of Alexandria9 January 2016 at 10:03

    They need a good laugh in Holy Mother Russia and your your blog certainly fits that bill. Unless of course you are a pinko sympathiser and are selling HM secrets covertly- are there still pinkos in Mother Russia?

  3. I am mortally offended, Myris. Anybody would think this was a sort of extended comedy show -- if you want an extended rib-ticking experience you just have to read British Archaeology, Current Archaeology or National Geographic Mag, replete with jolly exciting tales of derring-do by Indiana PP and his sturdy confederates. This, in contrast, is a SERIOUS blog for those interested in seeking the truth, as some of our regular contributors frequently remind us......

  4. I remarked, ridiculously recently, that your Blog had passed the 750,000 mark: by a grand total of ONE. Your viewing figures therefore appear to be increasing exponentially. You may be having more Hits than the Lotto had very recently. "How Do You Do It?"... as Gerry and his Pacemakers asked all those years ago, when we wus all Fab, and MPP was still in his knickerbockers (look away now....)

  5. Some days there are around 1,000 hits on the site, which I cannot really understand...... and I am still mystified by the interest in that Bayvil gatepost. Now up to 233 views! (That's far in excess of the views on many of the pages that I assumed would be of much greater interest. It just shows that none of us knows anything.......)

  6. One Man's Gatepost is perhaps another man's Orthostat, trembling with gleeful anticipation as it prepares itself to be launched on its pre - ordained journey towards pre - Saxon and pre - Alfred Wessex [via the A40 and the Heads of the Valleys]? We can but speculate, in the fine manner of Rhosyfelin Quarry Hunters....

    Either that, or a load of 1970's Bay City Rollers pop group fans, their frenzies undiminished by Time, have somehow got mixed up in the Search Engine maelstrom, and ended up in a field in Northern Pembrokeshire. Hope there are no bulls in the field.


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