
Wednesday 23 December 2015

Supplementary Info also now on Academia

For those who were having problems accessing the recent "Archaeology in Wales" paper and its supplementary information, I have now placed both the paper and the photo gallery onto Academia as well.  Here is the link to the photos:

These photos will give a clearer picture as to why we think there are no human traces at all in the 16 or more so-called "engineering features" in and around the Craig Rhosyfelin dig.  Nothing we have seen in the literature (or in the media) since we wrote the "Archaeology in Wales" paper has done anything to ameliorate our position.


  1. "...ameliorate our position." Ameliorate is not, I'd suggest, what you mean, Brian.

  2. Quite right you are, Simon. Wrong word! Not thinking straight. Let's try "modify" instead......


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