
Tuesday 22 December 2015


A old friend of mine, Ian Evans, who keeps an eye on such things, has spotted this on Researchgate:

"With 440 new reads, Brian John was the most read author from Durham University last week."

I think that's quite wonderful, given that I left Durham University almost 40 years ago in order to enjoy a quiet life in the country........

PS.  When you sign up on Researchgate you have to give your present or past academic affiliation.


  1. I use (read) by preference. This gives open access and today, for example, I read an interesting paper by George Nash on the aligned monuments on stumble head. I would venture that he is well worth consulting about where to look in the general area of Brynberian Moor and hopefully the MPP team already did.

    I think I tried to join Researchgate by being honest and was rejected. I did not try again because there is something instinctively uninteresting about a club to which only proper academics may belong.

  2. Chris -- we already have George's opinion on Bedd yr Afanc.

    I thought anybody could read what's on Researchgate? Maybe they have a different policy regarding uploads of scientific papers? Although I retired many moons ago, there wasn't a problem in signing up. I sent them a huge bundle of old offprints, and they copied and digitised them and put them on the site. I am rather impressed with them.....

    I gather Myris sticks his papers onto Academia? No doubt they are good too.


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