
Wednesday 25 November 2015

So there we are then......

Take a look at this then.  I trust you will find it enlightening, coming as it does from Dave, an expert digger.  Maybe he is the guy who operated the JCB?  Stone D34?  Where on earth did that come from?  Presumably he means 32d............  Note that beneath the video on YouTube there is an interesting comment on timber levers.

Although this is a very short video, note the complete certainty of the speaker on everything he says, even when he is completely up the creek.  This is the TRUTH, folks, as established by the digging tribe, because I tell you it is......

This date of 3,300 BC (5,300 yrs BP) pops up over and again.  Apparently there is a date from around that time from some charcoal close to where some stone or other was supposed to have been quarried, as pointed out by our friend Dave.  So the thesis seems to be that that was when the "quarry" was operating -- and when all those handy monoliths were being carted off to Stonehenge.  That of course is part of the long-standing MPP hypothesis, since he has said frequently that the stones were taken to Stonehenge early enough to have been incorporated into the "Aubrey Hole" stone setting -- if there ever was such a thing.

The Darvill / Wainwright thesis is that the bluestones were taken to Stonehenge somewhat later, to be used directly in the earliest actual bluestone setting.

On the other hand, of course, the stones might have been there all the time, lying about on Salisbury Plain, long before anybody had the bright idea of using them in a grand stone monument.

I'm not sure how you extrapolate from a piece of radiocarbon dated charcoal in a hearth or camp site and assume that it tells you that there was a quarry here, and that the quarry was operating at the same time as the charcoal was deposited.  How many other dates are there for the site, before and after 5,300 BP?  We know that there are some back to the Mesolithic, and at least one date (from beneath the "proto-orthostat") from the Bronze Age.  And from which parts of the stratigraphy have they come?  All will no doubt be revealed when those learned papers appear........


  1. Myris of Alexandria26 November 2015 at 12:58

    Having just heard 'Dave' expound on the origin of the rhyolites I am sure the pet rock boys will now abandon their work and rest upon their laurels.

    Informing Dave Public... I rest my case. Do not expound outside of your areas of expertise.


  2. The story takes on a life of its own and can be told convincingly. So the rock face at Crf can be traced to a particular orthostat at Stonehenge? Not true as far as I know, but now it is told on Youtube it will become more true quite quickly.

    Perhaps Dr Ixer should make a video?

  3. Yes, that is total fantasy, and I wish the archaeologists would stop going on about it.

  4. Myris of Alexandria26 November 2015 at 18:05

    Dr Ixer has, on Russian TV a few years ago.
    Far better is his longish radio interview with CBC both probably in the aether somewhere.

  5. Send us the links, Myris, and I'll happily stick them onto the blog..... the problem is that you should never trust other people to tell your story properly. As with all stories, they start simple and get more and more fantastical with every telling, especially if there are lots of people involved in the listening and retelling process..... it's one of the great issues with traditional folk tales too.


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