
Thursday 5 November 2015

No burning of the books.....

Good news for Bonfire Night.  I'm happy to report that all those dark speculations last week about the reasons behind the disappearance of my book from the Stonehenge Visitor Centre Bookshop were misplaced.  The removal of the book from the shop (or rather, the failure to re-stock it when supplies ran out) was nothing to do with political orthodoxy or the suppression of inconvenient texts, but everything to do with the modern commercial requirement to see a certain financial return coming from every square foot of sales space.  Yes folks, it's a VERY commercial world out there.......

Having found -- at long last -- the right man to talk to, I have exchanged a number of pleasant messages with the EH merchandising manager, and it turns out that the books wholesaler who supplies EH was giving them such a lousy discount on my book that it was just not commercially viable.  So I have now arranged for a new account to be set up so that I can supply EH direct, by-passing the wholesale trade completely.  I can give them a better discount, and everybody is happy.........

So keep your eyes peeled.  I hope that within a week or two "The Bluestone Enigma" will be back on the shelves again in the Visitor Centre.  Thank you everybody for your support!

No burning of the books after all.


  1. Good for you. The person I spoke to in the shop valued your book because it increased the value of bluestone jewellery sales. Commercialism indeed.

  2. Perhaps I should be selling bluestone jewellery made from spotted dolerite, or maybe of Rhosyfelin rhyolite? I'm obviously in the wrong business......

  3. A triumph, then, for increasing the dissemination of accurate, science - based human knowledge from the Stonehenge Visitor Centre to countries throughout the world. You will be doing your bit towards encouraging the development of a more thoughtful, discerning and sceptically - minded visitor to the Old Ruin.

  4. Have you had any success in your enquiries with either Salisbury Museum or the Wiltshire Museum, Devizes, with regard to them selling "Stonehenge Enigma"?

  5. I have tried recently, Tony, with a reminder in the last few days, but they appear not to want to communicate......

  6. Good show, Brian, your excellent book has me as a 90% convert. I do think that you should change your mind regarding male and female type stones, though, as my book Stonehenge Before Stonehenge, pretty much proves it. There is no need to buy the book as Amazon gives the proof away for free, in the first few pages! Your opinion and verdict, and those of your contributors, would be welcome!

  7. I agree with Mr Flowers - at least on this point.
    The Trilithons are almost certainly Male/Female, while the Sarsen Circle exhibits elements of it as well.
    I mention 'pregnant' Stone-16 as an example, and possibly S-27 & -28.


  8. It’s nice to have someone agree with me for once. But hold on ND Wiseman, let’s not be too imaginative. The only proven male and female stones are 49 and 31, respectively.

  9. Tom -- "The only proven male and female stones are 49 and 31" -- please give your evidence.

  10. I have Brian. Amazon gives the proof away for free by allowing the reading of the first few pages of my book “Stonehenge Before Stonehenge - the original Stonehenge avenues and their alignments on the stars of the Southern Cross.”


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