
Tuesday 3 November 2015

I kid you not.......

There's an interesting quote on The Megalithic Portal, purportedly from Prof MPP when he was showing the dig to a visitor in Sept 2015.  Apparently he said:  "I kid you not - this is the gap in the quarry face where Stonehenge stone 42 came from."

Hmmm.  Several things.  For a start, the rock face is labelled as a quarry face.  We'll let that pass, since we are used to it.  But which gap are we talking about?  There are gaps all over the place in the area where MPP posed for photos, none of them wide enough for a bluestone monolith.  So what are these measurements?  And what do they tell us?  And Stonehenge stone 42?  Really?  I thought that was a spotted dolerite.  Maybe he meant stone 32?  Well, there isn't a stone 32 made of rhyolite.  It's another spotted dolerite.  There are three stumps, labelled 32c, 32d and 32e, all now buried beneath the ground surface, and seemingly all different.  The intrepid reporter Blingo also says that Prof MPP pointed out the "cutouts for wedges."  No comment.

We are all confused.

Photos of the recent dig at Craig Rhosyfelin, 'I kid you not - this is the gap in the quarry face where Stonehenge stone 42 came from' - the archaeologists can tell this from measurements of this area of the rock face. Prof Mike Parker Pearson to tell more in his talk at Castell Henllys on Wednesday 16th September.

Reporter:  Blingo von Trumpenstein (I kid you not)


  1. MPP has amongst his senior supporters, Colin RICHARDS of the University of Manchester and also one of his promoters from the Stonehenge Riverside Project and before that in his Scottish researches and excavations, and Julian RICHARDS, once, like MPP, of English Heritage, and well - known for his work in the Greater Stonehenge Landscape.

    Well, maybe MPP, after this latest alleged quote in the Megalithic Portal, is also a friend of another Richards: KEITH RICHARDS, 71 years old and, after a life of famous excesses, still performing and he tells us "getting better" with the Rolling Stones (by the way, one of the Stones takes a keen interest in archaeology, but it's not Mick).

  2. When Keith thinks its a quarry then that is good enough for me :)

  3. Yes, as regards the niches in the MPP Quarry face, Keith, along with Mick, famously discovered their niche in light entertainment, too: THEY announced that theirs was "The Greatest Rock & Roll Band Ever", and we all innocently believed them, right down to their fake Southern States accents.

    So many parallels with the MPP Boys & Girls.........

    You pays yer money (if you've got loadsa) and yer takes yer choice.


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