
Saturday 7 November 2015

Chalamain Gap, Cairngirms

The Chalamain Gap is a meltwater channel cut across a col in the Cairngorm Mountains in Scotland.  In these photos you can see the valley walls and the extraordinary amount of rockfall debris that has fallen from them since the channel was abandoned by meltwater and ice.

For any sensible archaeologist looking at these photos, it is obvious that this is an abandoned Neolithic bluestone quarry, waiting to be discovered.


  1. Just to say that I really appreciate the effort you make almost every day to bring these wondrous feats of nature to our attention. The gauntlet is thrown again to MPP and his team - they better have something good to tell when they finally fess up.


  2. Nice wee spot which can be walked en route to the bigger delights of the Lairig Ghru where there have been mesolithic finds at the southern end and I'm sure earlier finds higher up nearer the actual bealach .If you can get them there you can get them anywhere .Ther's a similar feature not that far away that rarely gets mentioned as it is away from honeypots , Dirc Mhor at NN890560 .


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