
Monday 14 September 2015

Somebody's reading all this stuff........

I switched on the computer earlier on and found that there was a nice round figure on the counter.  Almost as exciting as watching the mileometer on a car gradually passing the 100,000 mile mark........

So a pure fluke.  But it's always good to know that there are a few readers out there.  What also interests me is that so few actually contribute to our discussions.  Maybe they look at the comments pages, and get put off by all that metaphysical / folk music stuff........  no matter, I rather like all you strange, crusty, eccentric, and expert contributors who make up our little community!  Obviously, or I would have gone off and done something else long ago.  So thank you all for what you bring to our common pursuit of the truth.


  1. Congratulations on the bloggy milestone - and thank you (and the regular commenters) for such a valuable resource for matters Stonehenge and Ice Age related.

    I'm an 'umble layperson with no technical/academic background, merely a lifelong fascination with Stonehenge, but have learned much from simply "lurking" here, reading and thinking about the various topics you and "The Regulars" discuss. These things, as well as the relaxed, informal feel of the site, are certainly what keep me coming back!

    Many congratulations again, and here's to the next 700k!

  2. Thank you Helen. Glad you find things of interest here. We'll do our best to keep things stirring!!

  3. I like this place too Brian and its regular contributors. I've been extremely busy of late so have only had chance to dip in and out, but it's always worth the time.
    I'll admit to being strange, but certainly not crusty and definitely not an expert. The combination of archaeology, sarcasm, metaphysical meandering, cynicism, esoteric wandering, bitterness, science and guitars suits me fine, I've spent a lifetime listening to music and reading books tinged with strange but oddly familiar colours, and that's not just from spilt PG Tips. I recently got attacked by a dry stone wall near Dundee, another new experience and another lesson - Stones are heavy.

    Keep this blog going Brian!

  4. Another interesting thing, when one looks at the statistics...... of the 600 or so page views per day, we are getting more from the USA than from the UK. I'm rather surprised by that. Maybe it's because the Americans are even more interested in Stonehenge than the Brits? And it appears that most of the traffic is being driven to the site via Google. That means people are searching for things on Google, finding a listing for the site, and then coming here to take a look. I've noticed myself than searches on Google images do bring up a lot of pics used on the pages of this blog.

  5. I visit this blog a few times a week and read all comments with great interest. As I am a programmer and mathematician I have not much to contribute professionally, but as an amateur megalith-visitor I am always curious of opinions of more knowledgable people. I like the no-nonsense approach around here.

    At home I have bookmark to this site, on my work I use google to find this place again and again...

  6. Anon of Alexandria15 September 2015 at 10:37

    I channel this site at least once a week and share its news and gossip with fellow librarians and fellow citizens (and sailors)- we are not all crusty but seek the TRUTH.
    The wisdom and insights bring joy to my heart, so thank you fine contributors, some more than others - we know where you live!
    Anon of Alexandria.

  7. Only got 498 so far today!

    Can you see when I'm in Azerbaijan? I probably look at it a couple of times a week when there.


  8. There is a map -- I have to admit that I have not scrutinized it properly. I shall check it out.........

  9. Of course, a high proportion of the American traffic might be Kostas.

    Hi Kostas! we're thinking of you and only wish our questions could tax Brian as much as yours.

    When I was keen on these things and looked at the traffic on my website, the notification of visits from PRC, usually heralded spam from China.



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