
Tuesday 23 June 2015

Very naughty


It's amazing how some people just love making mischief.  The top photo is from this year's Summer Solstice gathering at Stonehenge and yesterday the lower photo started doing the rounds on social media, with masses of complaints about yobs, middle class tourists and upper class twits just turning up for a bit of partying, leaving filth everywhere for the nice kind druids to tidy up.........  people were invited to express their outrage, which of course they did, in droves.

But here is the strange thing.  Somebody noticed that the photo was actually one that appeared in the papers in 2009, and that it has nothing whatsoever to do with this year's celebrations, which were apparently very orderly and jovial.

What on earth is the point of this trouble making?  Strange world we live in.....


  1. It's the vomit, urine and faeces I object too. But enough of Tuesday nights at my place, let's discuss Stonehenge.

    As self appointed keeper of the keeper of the keeper of the hares of Normanton, and by the powers invested in me, and by the power of greyskull, I hereby declare the henge (it isn't a henge) shut at summer solstice. Only Mike is allowed in to recreate 'The Ancestor' pose for the cameras, but that's it.

    It can't have been the middle class tourists leaving the mess, I can't see a single waitrose bag for life in that photo.

  2. 'to' not 'too'. iphone strikes again.

  3. Normanton Down is south of the A303, towards Sting's Wiltshire pad at Lake (as distinct from his pads in sundry other countries, including Italy and New York... but I digress) and is full of prehistoric burial mounds. Where are your "hares of Normanton", Evergreen?

    I just hope one of the trilithons or megaliths, whether or not concreted in either in Roman times (concession to Kostas: where is he by the way?) or more recently by Richard Atkinson or one of his 1950'S minions, doesn't fall upon any of the gathered rejoicing frenzied party - goers. Even one of Myris's bluestone crumbling stumps might damage somebody's big toe nail.

  4. All over the down, Tony. Boxing between the barrows.

  5. Myris of Alexandria23 June 2015 at 18:51

    Kostas is alive and well and living a measured existence.
    See Brian I am not alone in missing his voice of reason.
    I did see that Tim made the local BBC news. Tim Daws that is, not big Bournemouth Tim.
    Shucks I typed burnmouth but was autocorrected to Bournemouth.
    Anyway we want Kostas, Kostas the mule,etc etc. Annette Mills you were taken too soon.

  6. Now you are all being very naughty. I wish Kostas well, and hope he is alive and thriving, and happily contributing to other blogs. That's the way I like it. I suggested ages ago that he should start his own blog, where he can expound his theories to his heart's content. Not sure if he has taken my advice......

  7. By what Immense Standards may we measure old friend Kostas's measured existence??

    Perhaps by Alexander Thom's Marvellous Megalithic Yards.

    But methinks he may be Distracted by the Drachma at this crucial time - as we creatures but Blog.

  8. Kostas, like Arthur, WILL return. Just a matter of Time, and monetary negotiations, see, right? Well then.

  9. Looking at the 2nd photo it would seem we now have wrapping within wrapping at SH.

  10. Myris of Alexandria24 June 2015 at 16:23

    Now where have I read that before.

    1. I can't possibly imagine..

  11. This might be fun to look at and avoid the crowds.



  12. "
    But methinks he may be Distracted by the Drachma "

    Methinks endings in lachrima from "trade" beginnings .


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