
Wednesday 29 April 2015

Now for something completely different....

As some of you will know, when I'm not digging the garden or fooling around on this blog, I write novels and try to sell them.  One has to do a spot of promotion now and then, so this week I am doing a Kindle Freebie Promo Whammy -- all eight novels of the Angel Mountain Saga free in the Kindle editions, each one free for just 24 hours.

Right now, the ones available for free download are On Angel Mountain, House of Angels and Dark Angel (vols 1-3).    Tomorrow, there will be three more, and on Friday the last two.

So, free gifts for faithful followers of this blog!  Enjoy, and please pass the info on to anybody else who might be interested.

More info on my web site, here:

The hyperlinks to the eight books are here:


  1. Myris of Alexandria29 April 2015 at 13:01

    They are a good rollicking read,
    Poldark bach.
    Also read the Greenland book
    I shall take the lot, pity I know he plot of book two having read free book 3.

  2. Myris, 3 before 2 or 1??

    "The examination of material should start from an area where the sequence is better understood rather than less"

  3. If only life were so simple, Evergreen! When you are doing fieldwork, you often find the really difficult and enigmatic sites, and try to make some sort of sense out of them, before you discover the fantastic sites where everything is easy to understand......

    Actually each of the novels is self-contained, so it probably doesn't matter too much which order they are read in.

  4. Hi Brian, yes, merely an attempt at (some sort of) humour to brighten up a grey afternoon (well, it's grey here)

    I will dig down to the original ground surface and have a gander at book 1.

  5. Myris of Alexandria29 April 2015 at 14:25

    Ah the sequence was determined by Brian, gifts of printed copies and then on line freebies.
    I agree they are self contained with a resolution, book three does precision the major events of book two.
    But much of the enjoyment is the sustained background, atmosphere.

  6. Yes, of course I appreciate abiot of light-hearted banter. Bright and sunny here today, but cold in the garden.... this is probably what April is supposed to be like...

  7. Thank you very much, have read them all in the past , looks like it is time to have another bash.... :)


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