
Sunday 18 January 2015

Croyde erratics etc -- historic photos

Here are three historic photos -- I used them in my doctorate thesis in 1965, and as I recall they were taken on a field trip in 1963.  There are some famous names here in the field party!  I think I can recognize Prof Nick Stephens, Prof Ron Waters and Prof Denys Brunsden.......

The top photo shows the giant erratic at Freshwater Gut.  The middle one shows the stoneless clays from Brannans Clay Pit at Fremington.  The lower photo shows the sandrock layer exposed in the cliffs near Saunton -- the sandrock rests on an ancient wave-cut platform, and gives us a classic illustration of what an unconformity looks like......

1 comment:

  1. I think your Fremington Clay Pit, if it still exists, may these days be within a Country Park. It would be interesting to know whether the local authority looking after the Park has gone in for any Interpretation for visitors on matters glacial. I was last there around 1995.The road to the park off the Instow - Fremington -Barnstaple main road was in a sad state of disrepair and did my spine no good at all.


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