
Monday 15 December 2014

Interview with Jamie Owen

 In case you wondered, this is what happens when a big iceberg rolls.  You don't want to be anywhere in the vicinity when all hell is let loose, especially if you are in a flimsy canvas canoe and have no survival gear.......

I did a very amiable interview with Jamie Owen this morning, on his Sunday radio programme on BBC Radio Wales -- about the new novel called "Acts of God." You can listen to it via this link -- from about 41 mins to 50 mins. Enjoy! Long drive up to Cardiff and back, but a face-to-face interview is so much easier than doing things via that little hell-hole of a studio in Pembs College at Haverfordwest. So the journey was well worthwhile -- especially since I was able to meet up with son Steve after doing the live interview, and enjoy a simple lunch-time repast in the Norwegian Church cafe.....

You can listen here (probably in the UK only):

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed several of Jamie Owen's BBC Wales TV broadcasts, e.g. when on sailing boats to Lundy Island, etc. Also have pleasant memories of visiting the Norwegian Church cafe back in about 2008 and strolling around Cardiff Bay Marina.


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