
Saturday 18 October 2014

More about the Afanc

I had omitted to mention, for those who might not know what an Afanc looks like, that a very nasty one appeared in that well-known historical BBC TV documentary series called "Merlin."  This one was created by magic in very dodgy circumstances, and appears to have caused a spot of bother to those great buddies Arthur and Merlin.

Best to leave him undisturbed, if possible, down there in his watery cavern......

Sorry if this upsets those of a sensitive disposition -- but the truth must be told.


  1. Myris of Alexandria19 October 2014 at 16:36

    I am reading Rosemary Hills book Stonehenge with great pleasure.
    (For the destitute amongst you I bought it on eBay for 1p or tuppence ha'pennny in real money).
    We can see ourselves amongst the long list of oddbods that have loved and misused the monument.
    Buy a copy, steal it from the library but do read it.
    There is amusement and horror on every page.
    Best penny I have spent this year.
    It includes the quotation from Emerson complaining about "the marks of the mineralogist's hammer and chisel....on almost every stone.
    Hankering for the good old days I am with or without the "starry crown".

  2. Surely Brian Blessed would make an admirable "Afanc of Brynberian" or wherever, should a scriptwriter (I'm assuming this may be you, Brian) be found; though Moscow's Putin might fancy it.

    I expect Kevin Costner and Alan Rickman would inevitably be given roles of Hero and Villain respectively. Griff Rhys Jones and Rob Brydon would naturally expect to be involved, along with Michael Douglas' Swansea - born wife Catherine Zeta Jones as the Token Maiden Offering to the afanc, though Tiger Bay's Shirley B might well push her for the part. There'd have to be obligatory walk - on parts for the equally legendary MPP, and of course Geoff W., from nearby.

    Are we agreed then? Should sell out in Wales and Patagonia, at least.


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