
Thursday 30 October 2014

EH makes monographs available for free

 Good for EH -- they have just made a long list of research monographs available for free download.  Some very interesting materials is included in the list........


  1. Myris of Alexandria31 October 2014 at 07:12

    You beat me to it.
    If anyone has a cheap hardback copy of the Cleal send details and shipping to Alexandria.
    Am reading chippingdale's Stonehenge book. It is no wonder EH discourage new excavation. Hawley should have been keel hauled.

  2. Myris, Robert Langdon will be delighted you used the phrase keel hauled in the same sentence as Stonehenge! We're all sailors now, it seems.

    Bettany Hughes, my favourite waste of time, has her own particular crack at Stonehenge tonight on ITV at 8 p.m. in her Series of muses, "Secrets From The Sky". Last week's, on Old Sarum and indirectly Salisbury too, was a good introduction for historically inclined punters.

  3. Haven't got a cheap hardback copy of Rosemary Cleal's mega - tome for you, Myris, but I have another, musical gem, FOR FREE, played and sung impeccably by Joni Mitchell for the BBC in 1970. What heartfelt lyrics. No need for a peer review, peerless.

    Very easily found via Google, too.

  4. Myrisof Alexandria31 October 2014 at 12:34

    Shall do, always love her The hissing of Summer Lawns.
    I exchange her for Goose Creek Symphony try them on Utube.

    No even second hand copies of Cleal are too much -beyond!!!! £40.
    Second hand copies of Dr Ixer's atlas are £200 plus (I doubt there are many buyers) but it too is free on the web and has been for a couple of decades.
    I find it difficult to navigate the web version though other like it and so am probably the last person using a paper copy.(Very rarely).

  5. Not very good quality that copy of Stonehenge in its Landscape. Don't think I'll be using the digital version anytime soon (usually I would just get rid of the hard back version)

  6. Well, well, well, very UNcontroversial light documentary on Stonehenge just shown. No mention of ANY bluestone whatsoever, even though Mike PP was involved in scripting it, and Geoff Wainwright spoke only about the sarsen stones. Similarly, a trip down The Avenue, and no mention of the Feature Formerly Known As Bluestonehenge by the river, though the linkage of Durrington Walls with Stonehenge via river and two avenues was clearly explained.

    It seems the bluestones have been airbrushed out of the commentary, even though they were definitely in camera view when Geoff W was showing Bettany around the Ruin.

  7. Myris, have you taken a look at Oxbow Books' secondhand offerings? Worth a mosey round their bookshelves when in Oxford too.

    Failing that, the White House's next incumbent may be prepared to flog you Rosemary Cleal's volume, that is, if Obama was presented with a copy on his recent visit.

  8. I missed it -- far more important rugby match to watch.......

  9. Was Stonehenge a sophisticated training ground for Proto - Rugby, invented Long Ago, somewhere betwixt Amesbury and Newport (Pembs)? Lots of crashing of muscles into the Sarsen stone this how Saracens got their name?? Makes you wonder....also Barbarians...

  10. how much?

    I have loads of rare Stonehenge & Avebury books that I am going to off load soon.
    Anyone looking for anything in particular?

  11. Myris of Alexandria1 November 2014 at 07:29

    I did not know of that. I often go to oxbow to look for books to review.
    Many thanks for that.
    It is good news that Geoff Wainright is still around he has been quiet of late.
    No bluestones, well try to imagine a script meeting of MPP and TD and GW discussing the origin of said Welsh rocks, it would not be the stones that were blue.
    I agree the copy is not too good and paper has more reality.

  12. Myris's Stonehenge script meeting of MPP, TD and GW (with various hangers - on swinging from the trilithons) would have to have of necessity a Diplomat lady called Crystal singing soothingly in the background imploring them to "tell me some secrets, tell me some lies....don't it make my brown eyes blue"....


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