
Saturday 6 September 2014

Obama at Stonehenge

So the President visited Stonehenge after visiting Wales for the NATO summit....... one power centre to another!  No doubt that was reason enough for a few fairy tales to be told during the explanations as to what the stones are, where they came from, and what their meanings might be.....

But it's all good marketing for Stonehenge, and can't do any harm.

If I had known in advance that he was to be paying a visit, I would have sent him a complimentary copy of my book!


  1. We would have ALL nobbled him.
    I bet he could get holes dug in the site.

  2. ... and he could probably wave his hand and say "Fetch me 82 nice bluestones from Wales!" And lo, it would be done......

  3. Constantinos Ragazas6 September 2014 at 14:20

    We are in deep trouble when world leaders believe in myths! Proves the 'power of the marketplace' to sell anything by suppressing opposing views. Explains MPP's and his “patners” strategy for the 'spelling of Stonehenge'.


  4. he didn't have to pay to get in or use the ninky nonky bus.
    I was there 24 hours before and got a heads a few hours ahead but thought I'd give it a miss.
    Security would have gone nuts if they saw a man with a beard anywhere near him!

  5. Lighten up, Kostas! Nobody is suggesting that your esteemed President actually BELIEVES all the guff that is fed to him.

  6. We are in deep trouble when world leaders believe in myths! Proves the 'power of the marketplace' to sell anything by suppressing opposing views. Explains MPP's and his “patners” strategy for the 'spelling of Stonehenge'.

    Yep. Lighten up. I very much like Chris's example (another thread) of what might be achieved by archaeology, but I don't personally think this particular exercise has any chance of achieving anything such as that. Whatever it is that they are looking to do, MPP and so on are only trying to get enough interest to fund it.

    In some ways, getting enough interest can only be good for counter-arguments: If there is no real interest in, and no purpose to the resolution of, those arguments, it doesn't really matter who is right.

  7. Remember, Barrack's dad was from East Africa (Kenya) so maybe Obama Junior had ALREADY heard of the East African archaeologist from Madagascar, Ramilisonina, whom MPP had met out there in Madagascar.

    If so, it would be fascinating to know what the President thinks of Ramilisonona's certainty that the stones of the Stonehenge monument were for the Ancestors.

  8. Myris of Alexandria7 September 2014 at 08:53

    Obama at the Stones is that not a lost Pre-Raphaelite painting with the others in Didsbury?
    I am not one for muddying the water, May the Gods forfend,but was he scoping out an exclusive final resting place.
    Tim could sell an exclusive niche.
    Note his talk of bucket lists, you only needs eyes to see, ears to hear, what say you Kostas. WE know.

  9. Perhaps, after his visit to nearby Boscombe Down U.S base, Barack was at last convinced of the modest notion that Stonehenge was a unifying Prehistoric Power Centre, which he could now call upon to strengthen the Free World? Or not. Better consult MPP for a definitive answer.


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