
Friday 27 June 2014

Pembrokeshire proto-Stonehenge -- a con after all...

Thanks to Helen for alerting us to this.  On the Magalithic Portal, Andy Burnham has revealed that there is no new site near Newport in Pembrokeshire.  Robin has apparently discovered nothing we didn't know about already.  What he has done is to "discover" some new triangles and alignments which he chooses to refer to as a "previously unknown megalithic complex."  So as we expected, a con.  Or maybe we should refer to it as a smart piece of marketing?  Robin will probably sell a few books, and that will make him very happy.

Quote from the author's press release:
"In the summer of 2013 he (Robin Heath) discovered a previously unknown megalithic complex, a Proto Stonehenge, forging a second link has been forged between the Preseli region of Wales and Stonehenge. This discovery, duly surveyed with modern theodolites , GPS and satellite imagery, reveals that Stonehenge was the end result of a long project undertaken over several centuries. The goal was to develop a Neolithic technology capable of accurately measuring and recording time and space. Breathtakingly accurate, what has been discovered is a work of creative genius, completely lost until now and totally absent from our history books. Once understood, it allows us to lift the capabilities of Neolithic culture to a new level and reveals a practicalprehistoric science with which to integrate the rhythms and cycles of the sky with those experienced on earth."


  1. where have i heard this before?

  2. Thanks for the link, Pete. Interesting -- I'll do a post about it. They all get there in the end.....

  3. I've just noticed that a review of the 22 June talk is now online here:

  4. Thanks Helen. As we expected, geometrical games for the gullible. No further comment needed......


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