
Sunday 27 April 2014

Rhosyfelin -- the next tourist honeypot?

The new parking area at Rhosyfelin is a couple of hundred yards away from here, round the corner at the top of the hill

Thanks to Tim Daw for pointing out this notice that was obviously stuck up on a post near Craig Rhosyfelin in the autumn.  The post is still there, but the notice has disappeared.  Who put it up?  No idea -- it could have been the National Park or Pembs CC.  Anyway, the work to which the notice refers has now been done, and there is a sizeable layby on the road that runs down from the Brynberian Village Hall towards the crags and the ford.  It has room for maybe six or seven cars -- all based upon the wise (or very foolish) advice that the site now has international importance........ hmmm -- I wonder who provided the local authority with that "archaeological advice"?  Phil Bennett or Peter Crane?  Easily led, both of them......

That work will have cost quite a few thousands of pounds in these straightened times, and work is also under way to make improvements to the footpath that runs from the road at the top of the hill down towards the crags.  What next?  Information panels of dubious worth?  How about a Visitor Centre?  (The house next to the gate which allows access to the dig site is currently on the market.... for £250,000.)

Watch this space for further developments......


Tim has kindly posted this transcript on his blog:

Craig Rhosyfelin Visitor Management Proposal

Craig Rhosyfelin Visitor Management Proposal; December 2013
The rock outcrop at Craig Rhosyfelin has recently been confirmed as one of the sources of the inner circle of bluestones at Stonehenge. The archaeological advice we have received has confirmed that this site is now of international importance and is highly likely to generate a great deal of public interest and a steady stream of visitors to the site, especially given the proximity of Pentre Ifan cromlech, another heritage attraction dating from the same Neolithic period. Cadw, who manage Pentre Ifan have a concealed visitor counter which records an average of 25,000 visitors a year. Craig Rhosyfelin is fully expected to generate significant visitor numbers in its own right as well as spin off visits from the nearby Pentre Ifan. In anticipation of the rise in popularity of the site and the inevitable influx of visitors in the short term there is a need to manage the additional traffic that will be generated.

As you will be aware although Craig Rhosyfelin is only less than a mile from the B4329, it is comparatively difficult to gain access to due to the approach roads being steep, twisting and narrow with few passing places and a deep ford. Due to the potential for traffic congestion and vehicles being parked in gateways we have been in discussion with the highway authority, Pembrokeshire County Council to consider a range of traffic management options. In order to be able to respond positively and responsibly to the public’s desire to visit this site, we feel it is necessary to identify a suitable parking area as close to the site as possible.

The site is best approached from the west to avoid the narrowest section of road and ford so we have identified a suitable parking area approximately 300 metres along the road from Craig Rhosyfelin where there is sufficient width of carriageway and verge to accommodate roadside parking. The location of the Parking area is shown on the attached plan (missing). The stretch of verge is to be found on the northern side of the road and is approximately 40 metres in length. The roadside parking would therefore be very similar to that at Pentre Ifan.

We propose to undertake work in the new year so that the parking area will be available for the main visitor season. In the short term it would still be our intention to keep the site as low key as possible and not actively promote it. Our strategy is to be able to respond positively and esponsibly to visitors’ requests by providing information in terms of how best to access the site, where to park and not to obstruct farm and field gateways. We will also be improving the public footpath that runs past the rock outcrop and gives access to the site.

(Copy of public notice posted at site). Posted by Timothy Daw at Sunday, April 13, 2014


  1. "quite a few thousand pounds in these... STRAITENED times", Brian.

    My father was a proof reader. Sorry to be pedantic.

    And my father knew Lloyd George ( when Chancellor of the Exchequer)

  2. I predicted Rhosyfelin would become the next honeypot here on this Blog ages ago, and cited its closeness to Pentre Ifan cromlech (which I have only recently visited for the first time, having made that astonishing Stonehenge - Preseli distance to get there - by British Rail mostly).

    Never mind, Brian, your Candle Factory (marked on the O.S. maps) should ensure an upswing in YOUR local economy.

    Anyone remember that old "Fork Handle" joke from The Two Ronnies?

  3. Maybe we should put an advert for the Candle Workshop in the Rhosyfelin layby -- commercial opportunity. And yes, that old joke comes up every time anybody wants to buy four candles.......!!

  4. Straitened times -- you are of course quite right, Tony. Thanks!


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