
Sunday 27 October 2013

Another nice erratic

 Found this in the Britice Blog site -- a nice one!  Sadly, there is no location given.  Is it an Irish erratic in Scotland, or a Scottish erratic in Ireland?  I wish people would give locations......


  1. According to the artist he did some frottage on an erratic at Horn Head Co. Donegal .

  2. Brian ,
    Frottage = Fr. Rubbing .Technique similar to brass rubbing but more subjective and arty .

  3. Ah -- thank you. Should have looked it up. Is that what the lads have been doing on the Trefael Stone, and then trying to match it up with the Milky Way?


  4. Rubbings of rock art have been done for years but these days tend to be considered too subjective and also damaging to the rock surface .
    Not sure but I think the technique used at Trefael , whilst still involving direct contact didn't involve rubbing .
    The markings on the Trefael stone were considered by anonymous "astronomers " to be more than just representations of the milky way ,they went as far as suggesting Cassiopeia, Orion and Sirius . Sense seems to have prevailed and the idea has quietly disappeared . Still waiting for dates too .


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