
Wednesday 21 August 2013

Acts of God

 Draft cover image -- in the end, it probably won't look anything like this.......

Sorry I haven't been paying much attention to this blog for the last 3 weeks -- been writing my latest novel.   It's called "Acts of God" and I finished the first draft last night after a mammoth writing session.  Four chapters and 16,000 words in one day -- so today I have been chilling out, if you'll pardon the expression.  It's a chiller thriller set in East Greenland -- as you might have guessed.  Nothing whatsoever to do with Stonehenge, although I was tempted to put in an episode where the heroes find a complete Stonehenge embedded in the ice, at the bottom of the Greenland Ice Sheet.  But I thought better of it.  Enough fantasies about Stonehenge already.........

If anybody is interested, I have a Facebook album with the same title as the story, with some fabulous images from the locations in which the story is set.

You can find it here:


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