
Tuesday 9 July 2013

Ice-moulded forms

Another pic from the Stockholm Archipelago.  Classic ice moulded forms, washed bedrock surfaces and a litter of erratics left when the till in which they were embedded was washed away by wave action etc during the emergence of the coast. As Tony knows, I could probably give you a geomorphology lecture on the basis of this photo alone, but maybe not now.......


  1. Myris of Alexandria10 July 2013 at 07:50

    Oh go on.
    Some of us have been burning the midnight oils and sensual perfumes of every kind to continue the debate- but more later.
    We have missed you.

  2. I have recently attended an Anglo-Saxon conference down here in Wiltshire, not that far from where (in Somerset) King Alfred burned the cakes whilst fretting about the latest Viking incursions. What I want to know is: how much did those Vikings know about geomorphology, including erratics and the like, back home? After all, they were SURROUNDED by it - indeed, perhaps, being thus surrounded they became 'erratically' unnerved, and launched their "Viking Blitzkreig A.D. 789-1098* upon our shores as a result of this fear of their own physical surroundings, looking for lebensraum. Am I alone in thinking this?

    * book title, published 2013, for those without a nervous disposition.


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