
Monday 22 April 2013

Latest statistics

I have just seen the latest info from Blogger on page hits -- the site has now had more than 300,000 page views.  Thanks for all your support, everybody!  The map also shows hits from all over the world, so many more people are using the site than those who contribute to our discussions.  I hope they are picking up useful and entertaining material.  Long may it continue.....  I'll try to keep abreast of developments, but I do have other things going on in life.....


  1. But do we know how many of these 300,000 page views are from Kostas? Do we have a rough percentage? And what are you paying him??

  2. Fair point. One might think that about 290,000 page views involve Kostas, but the maps which Mr Google kindly provide suggest a rather interesting spread between various parts of the USA and various parts of Europe, with the odd Australian and other foreign person appearing now and then. I assure you that I gave up being corrupt many moons ago........


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