
Saturday 19 January 2013

My blog site photo album

Not everybody knows this, but if you want to review all of the photos used on this blog since the day it started (there are now almost 1000 of them) you can find them in my Picasa album, here:

or here:

Depending on which browser you are using, you should be able to see them in various formats, in various sizes, and arranged in various ways.  What you can't do, straight from the album, is go to the post in which a photo first appeared.  Leave that with me -- I'm working on it....


  1. I get a 403 forbidden message - for your info.

  2. Ooops -- what's that, Chris? Does that mean that only the blog administrator can see the photo library?

  3. It could be only Brian can see, I have the same message.

  4. Sorry about that, folks. I'll see if it is possible to adjust the settings.

  5. I have checked on Picasa -- the illustration library should be freely available to anybody who has the correct link and who clicks on it. So there we are then.. Whether it works as intended is another matter.....

  6. Another way to get at the full library of illustrations is to click on this:
    The advantage of this is that you can click on any of the illustrations and go straight to the relevant blog entry. Because there are so many illustrations, it will take a time to load, if you have slow Email like ours.....


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