
Monday 21 January 2013

Hammerstone or erratic cobble?

I found this picture on a web site belonging to somebody who helped with the 2011 dig at Rhosyfelin.  She refers to "quarried rubble, flint flakes and hammerstones" which perhaps somebody less enthusiastic might have referred to as "frost-shattered scree, rhyolite fragments and erratic cobbles and boulders."  But there you go.  There is no stopping these enthusiastic archaeologists once they get going........ obviously as soon as they start digging they are left in no doubt as to what they are looking at.

Another thing I learned from this blog is that somebody called Alasdair Pike is trying to work out the source of the gold found at the site.  Yes, I did say GOLD.  So is this site a treasure trove as well as everything else?  There is no end to the wonders of Rhosyfelin ---  I can't wait for the TV spectacular........


  1. His name is actually ALISTAIR Pike (or so my Search Engine tells me). Met him on the prehistoric "sarsen stones route?" dig close to Marlborough in August discussed on the Blog around then. He was then at Bristol Uni, is now at Southampton. Quite a bit can be seen about him via your search engine.

    As regards him and GOLD, go to:-

    - which is about Irish Bronze Age Gold.

    You will find Alistair's email address, and an explanation of his move from Bristol, on this article.

  2. The other "Stones of Stonehenge" dig I referred to previously, near Marlborough, was at CLATFORD. If you put this placename in this Blog's Search facility, it will provide 3 or 4 mentions during August/ September 2012.

    Various of the same archaeologists then decamped to Rhosyfelin to meet up with Colin Richards for that excavation.

  3. Dear Sir
    I often find rocks whilst digging my garden. Quite a pile has accumulated oer the years.

    Should I post them to Professor Pearson or to The British Museum?

    Yours Sincerely
    Mr A. Titmarsh

    PS It might take a while as I can only afford to post them one at a time;they're rather heavy.

  4. Dear Mr Bluetit

    Not sure he would appreciate it, unless of course some of them have gold nuggets embedded. Otherwise, I suggest you use them to make a nice rockery.


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