
Saturday 22 December 2012

More pics from Rhosyfelin

Photo showing the rocky ridge that projects out into the valley.  This is the flood plain -- the river is on the left.  The main valley curves away to the left of the rocky outcrops, and to the right of it (where the excavations have been done) there is a smaller gully running up the valley slope.

Photo taken from high on the valley side, looking down at the rocky ridge and the Brynberian river valley.  The main valley floor is on the right.  The road runs down towards the main valley (and the ford) via the deep gulley where the excavation pits were dug.

Thanks to Phil for these two excellent photos taken at Rhosyfelin -- they show the landscape features very well.  The focus of attention is the gully in the centre of the lower photo, to the left of the rocky ridge.  Once we know exactly what processes have operated in this gully, and what the time sequence may have been, we have the Rhosyfelin story unravelled........

These are very high definition photos -- click to enlarge and see the details.

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