
Friday 7 December 2012

Glacier art

This is a polar glacier in North Greenland, taken at the time when the spring melt is setting in -- notice the meltwater puddles on the sea ice in the fjord.  Click to enlarge.

Another subglacial tunnel with a wonderfully scalloped roof.  Not sure where this photo was taken.  Click to enlarge.

OK. This is a bit of fun.  Interesting iceberg. No further comment needed.  I hesitate to suggest this, but click to enlarge......


  1. Found this page googling for glaciers. For the record since no one else has done so for you: your click-to-enlarge suggestion is drink-spitting funny.

  2. Thank you, Anon. sometimes wise words take a long time to get through to people...... Glad it brought a smile to your face. Hope you didn't spill too much of that precious drink.....


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