
Sunday 28 October 2012

Another review for The Bluestone Enigma

 Since I seem to spend so much time giving puffs for other people's books, here is one for my own book, for a change.....  and I promise I have no idea who Dr K James might be!

The Bluestone Enigma: Stonehenge, Preseli and the Ice Age 

by Dr Brian John.

17 Sept 2012

Dr. K. James

This is a fascinating and thought-provoking book. I bought it for a little light reading whilst on holiday in Pembrokeshire, intending to dip into just a couple of chapters per day. But I found it so engrossing that I ended up reading it cover-to-cover in one sitting. I have since read it on two further occasions, and each time I have been impressed by the thoroughness of the author's argument.

With regard to the book's content, I wouldn't add much to the previous reviews except to say that the text is clear, accessible and well structured; and it appears to have been researched rigorously.

I am not a geologist or archaeologist, so I have no particular axe to grind, but I have to say that I found Dr John's case for glacial transport very convincing indeed.

The opposing view - that humans dragged, floated and levered the bluestones all the way from Preseli - obviously makes a good story for the media. And it's not surprising that millions of people take it on trust when every other book, magazine article and TV documentary on Stonehenge repeats the human transport theory as though it were established fact. But, judging by Dr John's account, there is obviously significant scope for doubt; and in view of the petrographic, glacial and other evidence discussed it seems astounding that some archaeologists and other authorities continue to adhere so rigidly to the human transport theory.

I hope that Dr John's work will help to redress the balance. It deserves to be widely read - both by those in the field and by the general public. This is the most compelling book I have encountered in a long time and I would highly recommend it.

5.0 out of 5 stars 


  1. "This is the most compelling book I have encountered for a long time..."

    Indeed. Thus, it should be COMPULSARY reading for those doing Archaeology Degrees in North-West Europe.

    Time to further undermine the artificial distinction between Arts and Science Degrees/ Faculties, and rediscover the Enlightenment.

  2. ..............but those inviting Pembrokeshire orthostats in the good Doctor's photographic illustration look to me like they are just a WAITING for an easy levering, a sliding and a shipping acrorss the Channel to the land to the South East?


  3. Easy, Alice? I think not ..... and bear in mind the nature of the terrain as it was. I have described it often enough as "jungle" -- and I think that's pretty close to the mark.....

  4. I'll thank you not to call me Easy Alice, Brian, I have no such reputation!!


  5. I'm sure you are as difficult as anybody else, Alice! Kind Regards from the Mad Hatter.....


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