
Thursday 20 September 2012

The Rhosyfelin Railway Track

This is exactly where the "rails" are supposed to be.  The big recumbent stone is on the left, and the cliff face is off the photo to the right.  So the slope runs down from right towards left.  Rails?  Sorry chaps, but I see no rails -- just a jumble of broken scree.


  1. The emphasis seems to be entirely on the archaeological at Rhosyfelin , any evidence to support entrainment or glaciation at the site ?

  2. Be patient, Geo. All in good time ....... I could write a book on this site!

  3. Rails? I've seen worst on British Rail :)

  4. The runaway train rolled over the "tracks" and she blew........

    Uncle Mac

  5. I have been looking carefully at the MPP photo opposite P 201 in his new book. Very close to the downslope tip of the big rock (the so-called "proto-orthostat") there appear to be two longing stones converging, as in a V-shape. No good at all as rails, in that particular place, but have these stones now been taken away by the diggers? I'm sure they weren't there when I visited the site, and I can't spot them in any of my photos. Naughty naughty.

  6. Sorry -- meant "longish" stones .....

  7. By the way, see my post of 12 March 2012 on the sliding ice block. Massive slabs and blocks of stone are just as likely to slide in this way as blocks of glacier ice.....

  8. I think you may have been unintentionally inside the Archaeologists' mind - set when you stated:

    "...there appear to be too longING [my capitals!] stones converging..."

    What was that you were saying earlier on another Post about the Rhosyfellin dig about ARTIFICIAL SIGNIFICANCE?

    SKEWED well and truly,it now appears! Indeed to goodness.....


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