
Monday 23 July 2012

The Grundtvigskirken rock face

This is the route followed by those mad climbers in 2010 when they climbed the whole 1300m up from the valley floor to reach the summit of Grundtvigskirken in Ofjord, East Greenland.  Apparently they needed 40 pitches on the way up.  Just thought you'd like to know.....


  1. That's the direttissima of direttissimas!

  2. Has anyone checked the very summit of Gruntvigskirken? Underneath that extremely thin veneer of top soil (and what an acutely appropriate expression that is: TOP soil!) there may lurk evidence of partying and pig roasting, a la Durrington Walls. Another Land of The Living??

  3. Whereas, it is patently obvious, even to even us mere amateurs and non- Madagascan Nationals, where in this instance the Land of The Dead [or Dying] lies.


    What would Ramilisonina reckon (surely a part-Scandinavian, cf Nina & Frederick). Get him over, to hell with the expense, he's clearly the man with The Knowledge. Q.E.D.


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