
Sunday 8 July 2012

The Ixer File

There have been a number of enquiries recently on the blog about the whereabouts of the key papers dealing with the geology of the bluestones.  As a service to mankind -- since Rob is probably far too modest to do it himself -- here is a list of his published contributions on the Stonehenge / bluestone theme.  Rob -- if I have forgotten any, apologies -- please add them if you wish.

Bevins, Richard E. , Ixer, Rob A. , Webb, Peter C. , Watson, John S.  2012. Provenancing the rhyolitic and dacitic components of the stonehenge landscape bluestone lithology: New petrographical and geochemical evidence. , Journal of Archaeological Science, Volume 39, Issue 4, April 2012, Pages 1005–1019

RA Ixer & RE Bevins, 2011. Craig Rhos-Y-Felin, Pont Saeson is the dominant source of the Stonehenge rhyolitic ‘debitage’,  Archaeology in Wales 50 (2011), 21–31

RE Bevins, NJP Pearce, & RA Ixer. 2011.  “Stonehenge rhyolitic bluestone sources & the application of zircon chemistry as a new tool for provenancing rhyolitic lithics”, Journal of Archaeological Sciences 38 (2011), 605–22

Rob.A.Ixer and Richard E. Bevins. 2011. The detailed petrography of six orthostats from the bluestone circle, Stonehenge. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 104, 1-14

Rob.A.Ixer and Richard E. Bevins. 2010. The petrography, affinity and provenance of lithics from the Cursus Field, Stonehenge. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 103, 1-15

 R. Ixer and R Bevins.  2009. Important revision to Stonehenge bluestone theory.  British Archaeology, Nov / Dec 2009

Timothy Darvill, Geoffrey Wainwright, Kayt Armstrong and Rob Ixer 2008. Strumble-Preseli ancient communities and environment study (SPACES):  Sixth Report 2007-08. Archaeology in Wales. 48, 47-55.

T. Darvill, R.V. Davis, D.M.Evan, R.A. Ixer and G.Wainwright 2006. Strumble-Preseli ancient communities and environment study (SPACES): Fifth Report 2006. Archaeology in Wales. 46, 100-107.

R.A. Ixer and P.Turner. 2006. A detailed re-examination of the petrography of the Altar Stone and other non-sarsen sandstones from Stonehenge as a guide to their provenance. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 99, 1-15

R.S. Thorpe, O. Williams-Thorpe, D.G. Jenkins and J.S. Watson with contributions by R.A. Ixer and R.G. Thomas. 1991. The Geological Sources and Transport of the Bluestones of Stonehenge, Wiltshire, UK. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 57, 103-157.

R. A. Ixer. 2003. Foundered or founded on rock - a future for Welsh provenance studies. In: "Towards a Research Agenda for Welsh Archaeology". C.S. Briggs (ed.). BAR British Series 343, 213 - 219.

R.A.Ixer. 1997. Detailed provenancing of the Stonehenge dolerites using reflected light petrography - a return to the light. In: Sinclair, A., Slater, E. and Gowlett, J., (eds), Archaeological Sciences 1995. Oxbow Monograph 64, 11-17.

R.A.Ixer 2007 Waiting by the river: Stonehenge and the Severn Estuary. Abstract. Stone artefacts as material and symbolic markers in cultural landscapes. An international perspective.Implement Petrology Group Meeting. York. September 2007

R.A.F. Ixer. 1996. The Bluestone Dolerites of Stonehenge - an opaque view. Abstract, Geology and Geochemistry in Archaeology. Mineralogical Society. Open University, April 1996

R. Ixer. 1997. Steep Holm "Bluestones". Current Archaeology 151, p. 279.

R. Ixer. 1997. Steep Holm "Bluestones". Steep Holm Newsletter. New Year 1997. pp 1 - 2.

Book reviews:  2009, 2010 The Bluestone Enigma. Stonehenge, Preseli and the Ice Age. Brian John.  British Archaeology 109, 55 and  Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine

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