
Monday 19 March 2012

Article from EARTH magazine

Stonehenge's Mysterious Stones
A tale of glaciers, man, rocks and North America

In case anybody missed it, this article appeared in EARTH magazine in 2009, written by invitation by Lionel Jackson and myself.

It's nice to know that some journals take the glacial transport theory seriously enough to commission an article!  Partly, that's because of the abiding interest in North America in the Foothills Erratic Train.

The web article is missing a number of key illustrations, but you get the general idea....


  1. Nice article.

    I don't know why you are not getting your point across in the mainstream. Maybe Julian can explain.

    Perhaps you tell the story in the wrong way?
    Perhaps the bobos are indeed in thrall to EH and the BBC?
    Perhaps the scientists are too nervous about deviant opinions?
    Maybe you overstate your case on occasion - jungles, incomplete buildings, primitives. Not a question because you do!

    My own view as an amateur is that this is not rocket science. Since the end of the Pliocene 2-3 million years ago there have been dozens of glaciations, likely all steering Prescelli stones in the direction of Stonehenge. And seeing the stones are 450 million years old, there may well have been many events in which natural forces might have moved stones in the direction of Amesbury.

    Could be I have got it wrong but then you are honest enough to tell me.

  2. With respect to your questions, Chris, I have speculated on this blog over and again as to why the establishment seems to be incapable of taking other -- "deviant" -- ideas on board. I suspect that this has more to do with psychology than with science.

    OK -- probably I do overstate my case occasionally! But my excesses in this regard are mild indeed, by comparison with the on-going overstatements -- and downright lies -- uttered by assorted gentlemen who shall be nameless. As for jungles, incomplete buildings, and "primitive" people, I will stand by what I have said on all of those, with a gentle reminder that when I use a form of words there is an obligation on the reader to seek to understand what I am saying! For example, I have never accused the builders of Stonehenge of being stupid -- and if you look carefully at the blog I have often praised their aspirations and imagination, and their skill. I have never talked about tropical jungles, only temperate ones. And Stonehenge incomplete? So many people are saying that these days that it isn't even original any more.

    Yes, it is quite possible that a number of glacial episodes might have contributed to the overall south-eastward and eastward movement of the bluestone assemblage.

  3. It is irritating that professional archaeologists do not see fit to contribute to relatively serious discussions like this blog. What are they afraid of?

    I doubt they have too little time. In the current economic climate I suspect many of them have plenty of time.

    Perhaps they are worried about the lunatic fringe - we have some cases here too in the recent past. Still, that tends to solve itself or you end up banning them.

    Likely they are intimidated about expressing opinions - not everyone is a Burl. Or they like to control their opinions like the professors with their healing theories - no open debate. Perhaps they have an eye for their next assignment and want to be seen as mainstream and reliable. All in all, disappointing, especially as most of them get their income from public funds.

    Yes, psychology is key.


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