
Tuesday 19 July 2011

Stonehenge talk -- 18 August

I'll be doing a talk for holidaymakers in Newport on 18th August --  hope for a good turnout!  here is the info from the town web site:

A Talk by Brian John:
The Stonehenge Bluestones -- recent research discoveries.

[ August 18, 2011; 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm.
Memorial hall, Newport, Pembs]

Join us for a fascinating illustrated talk from novelist and local historian Brian John, writer of the "Angel Mountain" saga, on Thursday 18th August at 7.30pm.

Brian will delve into the past and bring to light some of the amazing recent discoveries relating to the Stonehenge bluestones, many of which are from North Pembrokeshire.  He will challenge some of the established theories about Stonehenge, and will put forward a new theory of his own which is in tune with what we now know about the Ice Age in Britain.  With refreshments available, this will be a stimulating and informative event, suitable for all ages.


  1. Just trying plough through your book on Stonehenge. Would have loved to get to Newport for your talk but with it finishing late, its a bit to far for me to drive in the dark.
    Would attend if you were closer to Chippenham, Wiltshire.

    Ann Collett

  2. Hi Brian

    I'm trying to read your book on Stonehenge and would have loved to come to Newport for your talk. As it finishes late I will not be able to make it.
    Come to Chippenham, Wiltshire with your talk and I would then attend.

    Many thanks for your email.

    Ann Collett

  3. Dear Ann

    oops -- same thing twice. Hope the ploughing isn't too painful!! Since you won't be able to make it, you could always look at the YouTube video and my "Do" lecture from last year:


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