
Saturday 29 January 2011

Wow!! The Stonehenge Legacy

As part of my service to mankind, herewith an extract from a review / PR puff for the latest blockbuster, published by Sphere at £6.99.  Sounds as if there are some very nasty druids on the prowl.  Worth reading?  Sounds much too violent for a sensitive soul like me.......... I'll pass on this one.

The last big Stonehenge blockbuster was Bernard Cornwell's "Stonehenge" which was panned by the critics and by readers.  It'll be interesting to see if this one does any better.

"Ancient codes, ritual sacrifice, serial killings, terrifying suspense and the eternal, brooding mystery of Stonehenge.
Is this the trailer for a new blockbuster film? No, it’s a dazzling hybrid thriller from debut British author Sam Christer which has all the exciting semiotics of a Dan Brown adventure, the high-octane action of Indiana Jones and the old-fashioned detective work of Patricia Cornwell.
But what really marks out Christer’s rollercoaster tale of deadly modern-day druids is his lively and well-drawn cast of characters and a plot that maintains a relentless pace and a simmering menace.
There’s a bunch of fanatical stone worshippers, a feisty woman police detective, a young archaeologist seeking the truth about his father’s death and the innocent victims marked out for sacrificial death.
Add a few twists and turns, an unfolding mystery, a smattering of supernatural and a race against time and all the ingredients are there for a classic page turner........."


  1. Pass the bucket Igor.
    GCU In Two Minds

  2. Don't think the author of the Eternal Idol blog, Dennis Price, would go very much for the notion of "nasty" and "deadly" modern-day Druids. Suggest you ask him.

    For "page-turner", I recommend "page-burner!"

  3. I think I know how Dennis would feel -- and I would agree with him! The only druids I have met have been very charming and gentle people....... but just look what Dan Brown did with assorted people who should be devoted to love and peace! (Actually, fiction has always used the device of conjuring up villains from the most unexpected of places.)


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