
Thursday 2 September 2010

Oh dear -- another blockbuster.....

Came across this on a website called "INSide Nova".....

Publicist Note: An enduring question about Stonehenge remains: how did Stone Age people --without the wheel or the use of metal--move and raise its stones? NOVA's "Secrets of Stonehenge" airing November 16, 2010... features exclusive coverage of an ingenious new experiment, based on an unusual prehistoric artifact.


  1. Hi Brian,
    the producer told me that the experiment involved replica Neolithic stone balls (actually wooden ones were used) as “ball bearings” to help transport stones – with not very convincing results.

  2. Ah-- on the lines our our splendid American friend who has a video on YouTube and has had twenty million hits.....

    He had some big lumps of concrete moving about on a concrete slab in his back garden, assisted by small pebbles. Replicate that on soggy marshland in west Wales? Hmmm - I don't think do.


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